

What Are Your Shipping Costs and Delivery Times?

It take 3-5 business days to get your order with shipping fees $3 for product less then $50.

Do You Offer Refunds/Returns?

If there is no problem in the product we cannot refund.

Please check our return/refund/exchange policy here.

What Are the Payment Options?

Only cash on delivery.

Can we pay in LBP?

Due to the current economic conditions, we hope that all payment will be only in US dollars. We hope you understand the current situation and thank you.

Can I Cancel or Change My Subscription/Order?

Due to the delivery procedures in 24 hours we can cancel the order not more. We hope you understand this situation and thank you.

Are There Any Discounts or Promotions?

When we have offer we will announce it. It’s Better to subscribe with our newsletter to keep in touch for the latest products, offers and discounts.

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